Look for problems, not jobs. There isn’t a  company anywhere in the world that does not have problems. Even if a company has no formal job opening there is close to a 100 percent chance they have a problem that is an opportunity for you to present a proposal demonstrating you have the savvy and initiative to solve and create significantly more value than you will cost.

Be visible in your professional association.  The best opportunities to present proposals come to those who are visible and  perceived as leaders. This means speaking, joining committees, heading special projects, running for offices, and writing articles for the newsletter.

Think like a consultant.  A management consultant does a lot of  research and information interviews with key industry people. In the process they develop “inside” relationships. This is exactly what  management and professional men and women in transition should be doing.

Modify your proposal for multiple companies. Proposals don’t have to be one-shot deals. In a well-focused job search the companies you approach are likely to have similar problems. Therefore you can modify your proposal many times. Word processing makes such modifications relatively quick and easy.

Turn job and informational interviews into proposal opportunities. In your thank you letter you might write something like “I have several ideas which might be helpful concerning our discussion on …….” Follow up the letter with a      telephone call and say; “If you’d be interested, I’d be glad to put my ideas in writing for you.”

Published in: on December 29, 2011 at 12:22 am  Comments (1)  

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  1. Look for problems you can solve is key to your success in finding work. If you can explain how you benefit the people hiring you, you are more valuable to employers. Focused job searches will get you back to work faster.

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